Food Services
About Free And Reduced Lunch
Pea Ridge School District Announces its policy for providing free and reduced price meals for children served under the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program. Each School has a copy of the policy, or can be viewed by clicking on the links to the right by any interested party. You can find the public release statement approved by the Child Nutrition Department here.
Qualifying For Free And Reduced Lunch
Please click the links above to find the household size and income criteria that will be used to determine eligibility for free and reduced-price benefits for 2024-2025.
Children from households whose income is at or below the levels shown are eligible for free or reduced meals. Only one application should be submitted for each household. Applications cannot be approved unless all information is completed. Instructions are in the link above.
Applications may be subject to verification at any time during the school year by school officials. If you have any questions, please call Amanda Norwood at 800-451-4865 ext. 4.
Contact Information
Primary School Cafeteria – Ricky Sparks
479-451-0323, Ext. 1
Intermediate School Cafeteria – Abby Undernehr
479-451-0323, Ext. 2
Middle School Cafeteria – Julie Licause
479-451-0323, Ext. 3
Jr. High School Cafeteria – Tresa Morgan
479-451-0323, Ext. 4
High School Cafeteria – Carline Kanable
479-451-0323, Ext. 5
CN Director – Amanda Norwood