We’ve had a great first week here at PRMS! I wanted to give you a few reminders for the coming weeks and give you a little more information on a couple things that happened last week.
Car Rider Line and Morning Walkers:
Students can not be dropped off or arrive at school before 7:30 and a teacher is on the porch on duty. There is not a teacher on duty until then and this is for the safety of your student. The only students entering the front doors before 7:30 are employee children and athletes scheduled for before school practice.
Lunch Times
We welcome parents to come join their students for lunch. The lunch times for each grade are below.
5th Grade: 10:45-11:25
6th Grade: 11:25-12:05
Weekly Curriculum Updates:
You should be receiving a text every Monday from your student’s homeroom teacher through School Status. It should have a link for a curriculum update each week with a short summary and information for what your student will be working on in each subject.
SOAR Expectations:
At PRMS this year we are focusing on four essential behaviors: Safe, On Task, Accountable, Respect All. These behaviors were taught to the students last week and it was explained what those behaviors looked like in all areas of our school. Here is a link to our behavior matrix with those expectations for all areas on one page. We will be going over and teaching these throughout the year and will be using these as our expectations for our students. You might also hear “Blackhawks SOAR” a lot when you join us for assemblies and events.
House System:
A big part of last week was getting our House System organized for our students. I am sure you all heard about the assemblies and fun. I wanted to give you a little more information about this system. Every staff member and student is separated into 4 houses within our school. We have started having fun learning our house chants, themes, and colors to create unity. We will use these houses for different events throughout the year including things like games, community service, character building teaching events, and most importantly earning points for our house. As students meet the SOAR expectations, growth academically and many other things they will earn points for their house. At the end of each quarter we will hold a “House Party” that everyone will get to participate in because we have all worked as one big team to make our school a better place, but it will be in honor of the winning house with the most points for the quarter. The winning team will get some special privileges at the party. On the day of the house party each quarter students will be allowed to dress up in their house colors and have fun representing their house to earn more points for their house. Please let me know if you have any questions about this new system we have in our school.
Website and APP
Make sure you are checking our PRMS website at https://www.pearidgek12.com/o/prms . We will be transitioning our communication to there through the live feed feature and news feed. We will not be posting as much through facebook. You can also download the new district app to have access to this information also when it is posted.
Please let me know if you have any questions rallen@pearidgek12.com.