Military Family Resources
Pea Ridge is dedicated to each military family in our campus community. We exist to serve the families and students of those who serve our country. We strive to support those students in all of their academic, social, and emotional pursuits. While on our campus, we hope that all military students and families will truly feel how much we value them and the sacrifices they continue to make for our community and country.
Seeking Additional Support?
If you would like someone to reach out to you with more resources and information, please complete the form linked.
Purple Star School District

The Arkansas Purple Star School Award for military-friendly schools recognizes schools that show a major commitment to serving students and families connected to our nation’s armed forces.
A Purple Star School District is a public or charter school district committed to supporting the unique educational and social-emotional needs of military-connected children. This honor is awarded to schools that meet or exceed requirements including completing training and special considerations for military-connected students and families and more. Pea Ridge School District is honored to be the first Purple Star School District in Northwest Arkansas.
Student Resources
Here you’ll find a collection of resources to support the academic and personal well-being of our military-connected children.
Family Resources
Below you’ll find a collection of materials to help manage and understand available military family benefits and resources.
Counselors and Student Services Contacts
The Pea Ridge Counseling and Student Services teams work with students individually and collectively to create a school climate that leads to healthy learning, living, and growing. If you have questions, our passionate and experienced team would love to hear from you! Contacts for individual campuses are available on each school's site.