Bright Futures Pea Ridge
About Us
Bright Futures Pea Ridge works within the Pea Ridge School District to connect student needs with existing community resources.
The Bright Futures model brings together businesses, human service agencies, faith-based organizations, and parent groups and partners them with schools in a way that helps them to quickly and efficiently meet students’ basic needs – often within 24 hours. This enables students and teachers to focus on education and achieving success.
Bright Futures Pea Ridge works to create an environment where education is valued and responsibility for student success is shared. Bright Futures operates under the belief that when a community invests its time, talent, and treasure into its schools, students are more likely to stay in school through graduation, have a higher degree of self-worth and confidence, and set and reach goals for the future. In turn, these students grow up to be better neighbors, quality employees, and impactful leaders in their communities.
Through its organizational structure, Bright Futures provides a framework for expanding current programs such as the Stuff the Bus school supply drive, Back to School Bash, and the Bright Futures Exchange, as well as initiating new programs to support students.
Bright Futures strives to meet individual student's basic needs using Facebook as a rapid response system. The goal is to meet any student's need within 24 hours. To become a fan, click here.
Bright Futures Site Councils at each school include representatives from each of the partnership areas and will meet regularly with school personnel to assess and develop plans to meet the needs of the school and its students.
Contact us at brightfutures@pearidgek12.com or 479-451-8182 ex. 6006
Bright Futures USA Core Values

As an organization, WE BELIEVE:
in the inherent worth of every child.
that every child's basic needs must be met in order for that child to be able to learn effectively.
education is critical to success.
every community has the resources to meet the needs of every child. These resources must simply be brought together.
every child deserves a chance at success.
that diversity should be celebrated.
in the sanctity of the family unit.
honesty and integrity are the key to maintaining purity of mission.
all of us are better together than any one of us alone.