This month, students will be taking the winter MAP test. This test helps us gauge student growth from fall until now. Our testing will occur the week of January 16th. Please talk with your child about their goal they will be setting in class on January 12th.
Literacy is working hard on their third module of Wit and Wisdom. This month, we will kick off our One Book, One School initiative. Mrs. Brown, our Media Specialist, has worked very hard to create some fun and exciting activities to engage students in reading at home and school. We will be reading The Tale of Despereaux as a school and we will have drawings and prizes for completing the activities at home and returning them to school. Be on the lookout for information coming home with your child in the next few weeks.
Math classes are continuing their work in Illustrative Mathematics. To help support your student at home, multiplication and division fact fluency is vital for the foundation of their mathematics success. These skills are easily practiced with some flashcards or just asking problems while riding in the car.
Important Dates
January 12th- Goal setting day for MAP testing/PR Fire Department presentation to 4th grade
January 15th- No School (MLK Holiday)
January 17th and 18th- MAP testing
January 19th- Popcorn and Hat Day for $1
January 22nd- One Book, One School begins with our annual Canned Food Drive